
Interface.plot(objectives = (0, 1), weights = None, index = None, close_to = None)

Plots objective values of solutions

Can only be run after optimize. Every parameter corresponds to one selection method. Only one can be chosen at a time. If you don’t specify an selection method, the weights passed to optimize will be used.

  • objectives ((int,int), optional (default: (0,1))) – The objectives to be plotted. Contains indices of objectives. The first index refers to the objective that is plotted on the x-axis. For example, (2,1) will plot the third objective on the x-axis and the second on the y-axis.

  • weights ((int, …), optional) – Weights with which to weight the objective values. For example, (-1,2) will minimize the first objective and maximize the the second (with higher weight).

  • index (int, (int,int), optional) – If one int is passed, return pareto[index] If two ints are passed, the first is an objective (0 for the first). The second is the nth element if the solutions have been sorted by the objective in ascending order. For example, (0,1) will return the solution that has the second-lowest value in the first objective. (1,-1) will return the solution with the highest value in the second objective.

  • close_to ((int,int), optional) – Select the solution whose objective value is closest to a certain value. Assumes (objective,value). For example, (0,100) will select the solution whose value for the first objective is closest to 100.