= None, close_to = None, index = None, copy=False, key_added='autogenes')

Selects a solution

Specify a criterion to choose a solution from the solution set. Supports adding the solution to the annotation of an adata object. Can only be run after optimize

  • weights ((int, …), optional) – Weights with which to weight the objective values. For example, (-1,2) will minimize the first objective and maximize the the second (with more weight).

  • index (int, (int,int), optional) – If one int is passed, return pareto[index] If two ints are passed, the first is an objective (0 for the first). The second is the nth element if the solutions have been sorted by the objective in ascending order. For example, (0,1) will return the solution that has the second-lowest value in the first objective. (1,-1) will return the solution with the highest value in the second objective.

  • close_to ((int,int), optional) – Select the solution whose objective value is close to a certain value. Assumes (objective,value). For example, (0,100) will select the solution whose value for the first objective is closest to 100.

  • copy (bool, optional (default: False)) – If true, a new adata object will be created with the selected solution in the var column specified by key_added

  • key_added (str, optional (default: autogenes)) – The name of the var column to which to add the chosen gene selection